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designcompany has been specializing in design and architecture since 1988. our long-standing core competencies in event architecture have now been further augmented by projects about digital experiences, interior design, branding and industrial design.

what - event architecture

event &

trade fairs

enjoy, touch, experience - aiming at inspiring your customers by your unique brand. events create customer loyalty and attract new ones to your offering. a successful event needs a strong story that conveys the brand and product messages. we create spaces in which customers experience the company and its products in an emotional way.

what - digital experiences



hybrid, digital only, preproduced or live. today, events take place everywhere, from the live stage to customers' smartphones. making a brand interactive digitally brings new challenges, but reaches customers via completely new channels and creates potential for experiences of a different kind. how should your customers be surprised?



at designcompany interior design speaks b2b and b2c. for both it is important to create an atmosphere that goes beyond a good mix of materials, the use of media and graphics to actions. for this goal we clarify all needs and possibilities with all parties already at the design stage and don't just deliver furniture but feelings.

what - interior design

today, brand communication takes place at eye level. consumers don't just want to recognize logos, they want to interact with brands. this requires fundamental analysis, clear positioning and a coherent personality - someone your customer may call a friend. the first and last steps always remain the same - the dialog.

branding & graphics

what - branding & graphics

today's products have to do more than just function: "form follows function" has become "form follows interaction". we always keep an eye on modern consumers who are looking for a feeling, an experience and an identity in a product at the same time. from the sketch to the packaging, we deliver exactly that.



what - industrial design
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